Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Is this how the Carpenters started?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Best Things in Life are Free

Like any other community, living in California has the bad along with the good.  Right now like much of the country, we are experiencing difficult economic times (politicians!).  However, the best things in life are free and this is what we get for free in the Golden State.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Still getting ready for Santa

Mike was literally hanging up lights in the rain yesterday, but all came out well.

Getting ready for Ho-H0-H0

Every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving Mike begins hauling our "Christmas Stuff" from our rental storage facility.  It took Mike 2 days and at least 5 trips to the storage unit to bring it all back to the house.  My T-Bird has been temporarily displaced to accommodate the many boxes and bins.  Over the 40+ years we have accumulated many holiday treasures.  Our daughters have mentioned intervention several times, especially to their dad, but we continue on.  I grew up in a home where Christmas was magical to me and I always wanted to convey that sense of awe and wonder to my own children and grandchildren.  We now decorate 5 trees and put up hundreds of Santas.  We have our traditional (9 ft) tree in the living room and it contains all the special ornaments that we have collected over the years, including homemade ornaments from the girls, grandchildren, and friends.  We also have a more traditional looking tree in the family room.  It is decorated in white, silver, and gold ornaments.  One year St. Nick visited while I was at work and there stood what is known as our Upside Down Tree.  Most of the decorations on this tree our Victorian in nature.  After we visited New Orleans one year we wanted to continue experiencing the unique feeling that city gives, so we have a Marti-Gras tree with all the fun and glamor of that town.  Finally, last year I was surprised with a Travel tree.  I had been collecting ornaments from the various places we had visited over the years, so  Mike brought home this cute little Fir/Palm tree that is perfect for these ornaments.  As to the Santas, it all started the first year we were married and I bought the cheap little plastic Santa that stand with one leg up.  I'm sure many of you have seen this little guy.  The idea grew, and over the years, just about everyone I exchange gifts with has sent me some kind of Santa.  It took Mike and I at least 3 days to decorate the trees, day for Mike to put up the Christmas lights, this year in rain, and another day to place all the Santas and other decorations in their own special spots. Mike especially loves people coming into the house for the first time and hearing all their oohs and aahs.  It is all a labor of love.